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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

"Michael", DSH, Grey Tabby with White, Orinda

We came out to do the search on Saturday, July 13.

Michael was last seen July 3 as his people went out of town for a few days. There were other people still at the house caring for Michael.

The track we found led out of the area of the house and down the main road. The track crossed a major street and then continued up another road and into winding hills. The road dead ended and then the track led back up the road. 

From there the track went back down the road and into a parking lot of an elementary school. Then the track went out of the parking lot and turned right onto another main road. 

The track went down that main road all the way to a large shopping center. From there the track went all around the shopping center. The search was stopped at 4 hours by Michael's people. 

It appears that Michael jumped into a type of delivery track on the day of July 5 and then remained in the truck all the way to the shopping center where he jumped out, probably when the driver was taking a break and stopped for a time. 

Michael's people said they would post flyers up all around the shopping center and continue to look for him. All shelters have been checked and the microchip company has been informed. 

Monday, January 15, 2024

"Peach," DMH, Orange with White, San Francisco

Peach is indoor only, 7 years old and a petite size at 8 pounds. She was not wearing a collar and it is unknown if she is microchipped. Her people said they would call the vet where they got Peach to confirm if she is microchipped. 

Peach got out of the house by accident four days ago when the back door leading to the backyard was left open by a roommate. It was not known that Peach was outside until the morning when her people looked for her in the large house and could not find her. It was not unusual for her to hide during the night, so they didn't assume something was wrong until the morning. 

Once it was known she was not in the house, an extensive search of the yard and surrounding neighborhood and other houses was performed. However, no sightings were found during the search or the following days. 

The search we found led away from the house from a neighbor's yard where there was a hole from Peach's yard. The scent went down the driveway and then turned right and down the street. The track then went throughout San Francisco and eventually into Nob Hill, where the search was stopped by Peach's people at four hours. It appears by the track that Peach was picked up and carried away. The track was predominately a human walking away from the area. Many times when transient or homeless people visit a neighborhood to look for recycling in trash cans, cats get picked up and carried away for companionship. 

They said they would continue to search for her and make a visit to Animal Control to update the flyer and check their found cat rooms

Friday, January 12, 2024

"Belka," DMH, Tabby with White, Foster City

Belka is 12 years old and went missing on January 5 when she was let out at night and didn't come back. Her collar with her ID tag was found a short distance away the next day. No sightings of Belka were noticed despite an extensive search by her people all over the area. She is microchipped and the company was notified she was missing. 

We started the search at the location where the collar was found. Asia picked up the track leading out of the neighborhood and we circled around and around the area, coming back to her own neighborhood a few times. 

The search was stopped at 4 hours and we had crossed into San Mateo near Hillsdale. Her people said they would continue to look for her and also work with an intuitive communicator to help locate Belka.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

"Tesla," Creme DMH, 12 Years, Fremont

Day One:

Tesla is an indoor neutered 12 years old creme colored DMH. He was last seen inside the home along with another cat who also lives in the house. Somehow the front screen door got open and both cats got out of the house. The other cat was found under the house, but Tesla was not found, despite an immediate search of the area and surrounding neighborhood and postering of flyers. He is not wearing a collar, and he is microchipped. 

The track we found was around the neighborhood and then out towards the Alameda Creek, It went through Coyote Regional Park and then came back out onto Paseo Padre. It then went into Fremont and over 880. The search was stopped at four hours and we are scheduled to go back again tomorrow. 

Day Two:

We started where we left off on Friday and continued around some parks in Newark. While we were tracking, Tesla's person found a deceased cat in a road from being hit by a car. I went there and saw the cat and it definitely wasn't Tesla. The colors were different. There was another cat nearby that was also hit by car. Tesla's person called Animal Control and reported both to be picked up. The search was stopped at 4 hours. We have plans to start again on  Tuesday.

Day Three:

Saturday, March 4, 2023

"Oakley," Australian Shepard mix, Red and White, Richmond

This isn't a photo of Oakley. I never received a photo from his people, so I pulled this from my own collection. It means "I love you" in sign language and is on the Embarcadero in San Francisco. 

Oakley is a one year old red and white Australian Shepherd mix. While staying at the Milo Foundation and being walked by a volunteer, he got out of his collar and took off. His previous person found out about the escape and immediately started looking for him. He is not wearing any ID and is not microchipped. 

There was only one sighting within the week that he was missing and we came out for the search. The track we found led completely away from the location where he went missing. We went all the way to the far distant locations of the Port of Richmond and then all the way back, but on the opposite side of the street from the way he walked in. 

Oakley's people did confirm that Oakley is very skittish around strangers and people of all types, so it would be difficult to catch him. The chance of him approaching a stranger for help or food would not exist. 

They said they would continue to look for him.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

"Kofi" Chihuahua, Blonde. San Carlos - Found

GPS Map of search

Kofi is a 14 year old Chihuahua mix. When he went missing on New Years Eve around 7 PM he was wearing his collar and ID tags and an AirTag GPS indicator. His person told me his eyesight and hearing were becoming diminished. 

He got out of the yard by accident when his person came home and drove the car into the fenced yard where the driveway is and Kofi took off without her knowing he was out. An hour later they noticed he wasn't in the house and went out looking for him. 

Later that night around 9 PM they received two pings from his collar and went to that area about 45 minutes from the house. A person also told them they had seen Kofi that night. No other sightings or calls were received. 

I came out to do the search on that following Friday. I arrived at noon and Asia immediately picked up the scent leading out of the yard and eventually to the area of the two pings and sighting in a neighborhood park. The search continued for another three hours around San Carlos, and it was stopped at the four hour mark. We scheduled another time to come back that Sunday morning. 

The next morning early I received a text that Kofi had been found later Friday night after a ping was received by his collar. They went to the location and made contact with the person at home.  Kofi was found deceased inside their pool inside their yard. Somehow Kofi made it into the open yard and unfenced pool and fell into the pool. 

Thursday, October 6, 2022

"Cosmo" DSH Grey San Francisco

Cosmo is a 10 year old, indoor only, grey DSH with green eyes. He was not wearing a collar but he was microchipped. 

There were no sightings of him after he went missing from his home around 8 pm when it appears he slipped out of the garage as his person was taking out the trash cans. It was not noticed he was missing until 5 AM the next morning when his person noticed he wasn't in bed with her. Despite an extensive search of the house and surrounding neighborhoods, no sightings or clues were found. 

The track we found led away from the house pretty quickly. There wasn't any going around and around like a normal lost cat. The track led down to Ocean Avenue and then made a right and went all the way down and through Lakeshore Plaza, down Sloat, through the Zoo parking lot and how to the Great Highway. The search was stopped at 4 hours and we got a ride back.

It appears he was picked up during the night probably by people who regularly search recycling cans. It is common for them to pick up cats since cats are small and easy to carry, making them nice companions for transient people. 

Animal was contacted and she said they would regularly contact them and check the shelter. 

His people said they would continue to look for him.