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Sunday, October 27, 2013
Thursday, October 24, 2013
"Roxy," English Bulldog, White with Brown, San Francisco - Found!
Search details:
Roxy is a five year old, 40 pound, white and fawn English Bulldog. When she went missing she was wearing a pink harness and a pink collar with full ID tags and she was dragging a black nylon harness. Roxy was being walked by her dog walker on Tuesday, October 22, around 3 PM, with other dogs inside McLaren Park in San Francisco when a tree branch fell from above and startled her. She took off running and was seen a few times in the park. People tried to help her, but, since she is shy of people, she would not allow them to approach.
We came out to do the search on Thursday, October 24.
We started the search at the most recent sighting. After checking the area, Dino picked up the track leading away from the sighting, past the golf course, and out the park into a nearby grammar school. From there is lead into neighborhoods and eventually all the way out to Bayshore Blvd. Now, we stopped at a local donut shop to use the restroom and get a couple of quick snacks, when Roxy's person received a phone call that Roxy had been seen a couple of times the previous night on Third Street in San Francisco. Third Street turns into Bayshore Blvd when it gets to the Daly City border. He said he had known about one of the sightings, but, despite numerous calls and texts, he could not get the caller to respond to him to get a more accurate location, so we could not use that sightings. Plus, Roxy's person doubted that Roxy would travel that far. With the second sighting in the area, we were able to confirm that the dog seen was Roxy, and since Third Street turns into Bayshore and we were now on Bayshore, downwind from Third Street, we decided to continue along Bayshore, following Roxy's track.
We continued following the track, which led into Daly City, just skirting the San Francisco border, near the Cow Palace. At any point, it would be easy to make her way back to where she got lost. I explained this to Roxy's person and suggested that flyers and posters be kept in the area of the park and surrounding it.
The next day, at 1:55 PM, I received a text that Roxy had been found! She was at the golf course, which borders McLaren park. A maintenance worker had seen her walking through the course and had received a previous flyer. Roxy's people were called immediately.
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Name: Roxy San Francisco
Activity type: walking
Description: -
Total distance: 11.11 km (6.9 mi)
Total time: 3:40:45
Moving time: 2:12:07
Average speed: 3.02 km/h (1.9 mi/h)
Average moving speed: 5.05 km/h (3.1 mi/h)
Max speed: 59.25 km/h (36.8 mi/h)
Average pace: 19:52 min/km (31:58 min/mi)
Average moving pace: 11:53 min/km (19:08 min/mi)
Fastest pace: 1:01 min/km (1:38 min/mi)
Max elevation: 136 m (445 ft)
Min elevation: -13 m (-44 ft)
Elevation gain: 249 m (818 ft)
Max grade: 13 %
Min grade: -15 %
Recorded: 10/24/2013 9:39am
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
"Andy," Kelpie Mix, Black with White, Emeryville
Search details:
Andy is a two year old, 35 pound, black and white Kelpie mix. When he went missing he was not wearing a collar, but he was wearing a black nylon harness and he is microchipped.
Andy disappeared on Saturday, October 19 at around 7:30 PM when he went outside in front of the house to "borrow the tree." However, he did not return.
There were multiple sightings of Andy that night and the next day all around the area of the home and several blocks in every direction. However, Andy is very shy of humans and would not allow anybody to approach him or help him.
We started the search on the following Tuesday, and started with the most recent sighting. We followed the track around the area and through some pretty rough bushes. While we were on the search in the third hour, Andy's person received a call that Andy had been seen just a half hour before at a park in downtown Emeryville. We walked to that area, I had Dino check the area, but he indicated that the scent I showed him was not here in the park. It appears that the dog seen by this person was not Andy. Afterwards we discovered that the person was a full block away from the dog she saw, and there were a lot of visual blocks in her way from seeing the dog clearly.
We went back to the place where we left off and continued following the track. The search was called off at the five hour mark. She said she would continue to look for Andy.
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Name: Andy Emeryville
Activity type: walking
Description: -
Total distance: 19.86 km (12.3 mi)
Total time: 5:05:03
Moving time: 3:35:27
Average speed: 3.91 km/h (2.4 mi/h)
Average moving speed: 5.53 km/h (3.4 mi/h)
Max speed: 49.14 km/h (30.5 mi/h)
Average pace: 15:22 min/km (24:43 min/mi)
Average moving pace: 10:51 min/km (17:28 min/mi)
Fastest pace: 1:13 min/km (1:58 min/mi)
Max elevation: 30 m (100 ft)
Min elevation: -18 m (-60 ft)
Elevation gain: 424 m (1391 ft)
Max grade: 19 %
Min grade: -15 %
Recorded: 10/22/2013 9:18am
Saturday, October 19, 2013
"Isabella," DSH, Black with white paws, Folsom - Found!
Search details:
Isabella is an eight year old, indoor only, tuxedo marked DSH with distinctive white paws. When she went missing she was not wearing a collar and was not microchipped.
She was last seen on September 29 being chased inside the house by a small visiting dog. Isabella ran out the back door and was seen jumping the fence.
An extensive search and campaign, with robo phone calls and posted flyers, was initiated by Isabella's person and their were multiple sightings as far away as three miles after being missing for over two weeks. We came out to do the search on October 19. The night before I came by, Isabella's person received a response to one her robo calls that a cat of Isabella's description was seen near his house, in an open space/green belt, a couple days prior. She met him that night and he showed her the exact location of where he saw Isabella. This spot was over three miles from Isabella's home.
We started the search in that location the next day. After showing Dino the area, he picked up her trail, which went through the open space and eventually out to the neighborhoods. This led us through a variety of neighborhoods, county parks, fairgrounds and eventually all the way to a walking/biking trail along the river.
At the four hour mark, Isabella's person called off the search and said she would continue to look for her. We had a friend pick us up and drive us back to her home. I put Dino back into the van, which was before the house since we had parked down the street. Due to the over two hour drive to Folsom from my house, I brought my other dogs and they remained in crates in the garage. After the search, we were letting the dogs, one by one, out onto the lawn before loading them back into the van to drive back home. Two of my dogs, Benny and June, were super eager and interested in an overturned rowboat on a side green patch in front of their home. It was probably over 20 feet long and eight feet wide, and it was covered by a heavy duty tarp. Both dogs were keying in on something underneath the boat, and were digging furiously at the ground at the edge of the boat. Isabella's person saw that and said, "Oh, it is probably mice. We get those all the time around here." I asked her if we should check by lifting up the boat, but she said no. I said OK and we got all the dogs into the car and I started home.
The next day I received an email:
"Hey Jackie!
You're little guy and June were on to something with that boat in my front yard! I went out and decided to try to lift it (it's very heavy) and let those mice out and out runs my cat, Isabella!! She ran to my neighbors garage which was slightly open and couldn't believe my eyes! I picked her up and she's not really thin or beat up looking so she has been eating and drinking and just full of burs.
I never checked the side area of this boat covered by the tarp so she did have access to get in and out! And I truly don't think she's been there very long. Thanks so much for all you're help!!! My friend and I will go and take down flyers!
Dot Stark"
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Name: Isabella Folsom
Activity type: walking
Description: -
Total distance: 8.62 km (5.4 mi)
Total time: 3:06:36
Moving time: 1:36:21
Average speed: 2.77 km/h (1.7 mi/h)
Average moving speed: 5.37 km/h (3.3 mi/h)
Max speed: 39.78 km/h (24.7 mi/h)
Average pace: 21:38 min/km (34:50 min/mi)
Average moving pace: 11:10 min/km (17:59 min/mi)
Fastest pace: 1:30 min/km (2:26 min/mi)
Max elevation: 132 m (432 ft)
Min elevation: 36 m (118 ft)
Elevation gain: 130 m (427 ft)
Max grade: 18 %
Min grade: -12 %
Recorded: 10/19/2013 2:07pm
Friday, October 18, 2013
"Pippi," Dachshund/Chihuahua mix, Brown, San Jose
Search details:
Pippi is a 15 pound, spayed, one year old, brown/tan Mixed Breed. When she went missing she was wearing a collar and ID tags and she is microchipped.
She was last seen running out of a screen door at a temporary foster home, after her regular foster home went on vacation for a few days. She had been at the first foster home for one month after she was in a shelter in Santa Clara County. She had been picked up running loose and later they found out she was pregnant.
With an extensive search, there were multiple sightings of Pippi after she went missing, however, only a couple could be verified and confirmed enough, so we had to start back at the most confirmed sighting, where she was seen by several people in the area of one block.
She went missing on a Thursday at 10 AM, and I was at the search the following morning.
After following the track for two hours, we eventually got to the other two sightings, along the way. The track was zig zagging all over San Jose and Santa Clara until it was called off at five hours.
They have continued to look for Pippi, and the Facebook link is at the top of the page. They continue to have sightings of Pippi throughout the area, but as of today, November 4, she remains at large.
Name: Pippi San Jose
Activity type: walking
Description: -
Total distance: 13.22 km (8.2 mi)
Total time: 5:11:10
Moving time: 2:32:35
Average speed: 2.55 km/h (1.6 mi/h)
Average moving speed: 5.20 km/h (3.2 mi/h)
Max speed: 9.16 km/h (5.7 mi/h)
Average pace: 23:32 min/km (37:52 min/mi)
Average moving pace: 11:32 min/km (18:34 min/mi)
Fastest pace: 6:33 min/km (10:32 min/mi)
Max elevation: 64 m (211 ft)
Min elevation: 1 m (5 ft)
Elevation gain: 294 m (965 ft)
Max grade: 14 %
Min grade: -19 %
Recorded: 10/18/2013 10:53am
Activity type: walking
Description: -
Total distance: 13.22 km (8.2 mi)
Total time: 5:11:10
Moving time: 2:32:35
Average speed: 2.55 km/h (1.6 mi/h)
Average moving speed: 5.20 km/h (3.2 mi/h)
Max speed: 9.16 km/h (5.7 mi/h)
Average pace: 23:32 min/km (37:52 min/mi)
Average moving pace: 11:32 min/km (18:34 min/mi)
Fastest pace: 6:33 min/km (10:32 min/mi)
Max elevation: 64 m (211 ft)
Min elevation: 1 m (5 ft)
Elevation gain: 294 m (965 ft)
Max grade: 14 %
Min grade: -19 %
Recorded: 10/18/2013 10:53am
Thursday, October 10, 2013
"Alma," Siamese Mix, Cream, Black, Brown, Santa Barbara
Search details:
Alma is an indoor/outdoor, un-neutered, three year old male Snowshoe Siamese mix. When he went missing he was not wearing a collar and he was not microchipped.
Alma was last seen on Saturday September 28 as he was let outside by his person. He did not come back the next morning. After an extensive search of the very large agricultural property and surrounding areas, there were no sightings of Alma. We drove down and did the search on October 10.
As I was driving down, Alma's person received a call that he had been seen the previous weekend at their home. However, he had just seen the flyers in the neighborhood. He called her immediately.
When I arrived, we went to that location and did find Alma's track. We followed it around and out the large neighborhood. From there it went up the street and eventually into a very large riding stable. The track was all around the many, many stable and barns. Eventually it left and went back out to the road again and continued again up the main San Marcos Road.
The search was called off at the four hour mark by Alma's person and she said she would continue to look for Alma.
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Name: 5092 Cathedral Oaks Rd
Activity type: walking
Description: -
Total distance: 7.14 km (4.4 mi)
Total time: 2:44:16
Moving time: 1:22:35
Average speed: 2.61 km/h (1.6 mi/h)
Average moving speed: 5.19 km/h (3.2 mi/h)
Max speed: 31.44 km/h (19.5 mi/h)
Average pace: 23:01 min/km (37:02 min/mi)
Average moving pace: 11:34 min/km (18:37 min/mi)
Fastest pace: 1:55 min/km (3:04 min/mi)
Max elevation: 150 m (493 ft)
Min elevation: 7 m (23 ft)
Elevation gain: 223 m (731 ft)
Max grade: 18 %
Min grade: -17 %
Recorded: 10/10/2013 3:34pm
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
"Minerva," DSH, Grey/Brown Tabby, Sebastopol
Search details:
Minerva is an indoor only, five year old, grey/brown tabby DSH. She was adopted the previous month from a local animal shelter. When she went missing she was wearing a collar with ID tags and she is microchipped. Per her person, Minerva is very shy and scared around strangers.
She was last seen at the house on September 28, and she was sighted by her person the following Saturday, October 5th, about a mile from the house. We started the search from that location. No flyers had been created or posted, so we first created a flyer.
This part of Sebastopol is considered West Sonoma County and is predominately ranches and farms and vineyards of all sizes and shapes. The town of Sebastopol is several miles away, and the nearest town in another direction is at least three.
After searching the area, we found the track leading away form the area and down a private driveway to a place where two houses were side by side. It appears that Minerva spent a lot of time here because her track was all over the properties. Unfortunately, there was also a large loose dog at one of the houses, so we were prevented from following it all around. Instead, we picked it up coming back out of the property and followed it out and down the road to a popular biking/hiking trail that eventually led us to a small town.
Due to unknown GPS problems, the mapping system stopped and I was not aware of it until much later.
The search was stopped at the four hour mark, and he said he would continue to look for Minerva.
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Name: Minerva Sebastopol
Activity type: -
Description: -
Total distance: 3.93 km (2.4 mi)
Total time: 47:53
Moving time: 25:01
Average speed: 4.93 km/h (3.1 mi/h)
Average moving speed: 9.44 km/h (5.9 mi/h)
Max speed: 52.18 km/h (32.4 mi/h)
Average pace: 12:10 min/km (19:35 min/mi)
Average moving pace: 6:22 min/km (10:14 min/mi)
Fastest pace: 1:09 min/km (1:51 min/mi)
Max elevation: 103 m (339 ft)
Min elevation: 21 m (68 ft)
Elevation gain: 21 m (70 ft)
Max grade: 6 %
Min grade: -12 %
Recorded: 10/9/2013 1:48pm
Saturday, October 5, 2013
"Sam," DSH, Black, Monterey
Search details:
Sam is a 14 pound, four year old, indoor/outdoor, all black DSH. When he went missing he was not wearing a collar, but he was microchipped.
Sam was last seen on Monday, September 30 at 9 PM, as he was let out the front door. He never came back the next morning, and they started looking for him. Even after an extensive search of the area and phone calls sent out to over 1200 houses in the surrounding area, there were no sightings of Sam. We came out to do the search the following Saturday, October 5.
After checking the surrounding neighborhood, we found a tracking leading out of the neighborhood. After about a half hour, it appeared to me that Sam was inside a vehicle and his scent was coming out, but Sam's people said he would never go near a car. At one point, the scent went off suddenly to the right and through a small "coastal forest" that appeared to surround a gated community. Eventually, we got to the edge of the gated community and we were back out into the regular neighborhood. To me it appears that Sam escaped from the vehicle which was carrying him back at the point where the forest started. Especially since at this point was the entrance to the gated community and somebody who was entering would have had to stop and enter a code to enter through the vertical gate bar. There couls also have been more than one vehicle lined up to enter, causing an additional delay. Sam's people continue to say that Sam would never go near a car. The car could have been a type of car with an opening like a truck, and the driver probably never knew that Sam was in the back.
After leaving the gate community, we followed the track around Monterey, crossing many busy roads, eventually leading back to a street parallel his home. However, since that road had no direct connection to his neighborhood, he would never have seen his house.
We continued the search until it was stopped by Sam's people at the four hour mark. They said they would continue to look for him.
I believe that Sam was originally chased out of the area by either another cat or wildlife like a raccoon, and then was carried for a short while in a car, probably when Sam jumped into it to escape the predator. Both Sam's people said that there were existing issues with both in the area, and Sam had come home in the past with scratches and minor wounds.
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Name: Sam Monterey
Activity type: walking
Description: -
Total distance: 9.34 km (5.8 mi)
Total time: 3:01:16
Moving time: 1:51:56
Average speed: 3.09 km/h (1.9 mi/h)
Average moving speed: 5.01 km/h (3.1 mi/h)
Max speed: 7.93 km/h (4.9 mi/h)
Average pace: 19:25 min/km (31:14 min/mi)
Average moving pace: 11:59 min/km (19:17 min/mi)
Fastest pace: 7:34 min/km (12:11 min/mi)
Max elevation: 135 m (442 ft)
Min elevation: 17 m (54 ft)
Elevation gain: 173 m (568 ft)
Max grade: 11 %
Min grade: -12 %
Recorded: 10/5/2013 12:57pm
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