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Saturday, May 7, 2022

"Chunky" DSH, Grey with Tabby Markings, South San Francisco

Chunky is an indoor only 10 year old Grey DSH with Tabby Markings. He is microchipped. He accidentally got out of his carrier from inside the car after a long trip. He took off from the car after hearing loud sounds from nearby cars. He has been missing for three weeks at the time of the search. There has been numerous sitings of him in the area, but no one has been able to catch him. 

The track we found led around blocks and down streets and then back to the area. It even went into the garage where a trap was set and cameras recorded his appearance at the trap. It appeared that he was making it back to the area but was probably running into other animals back home, who then chased him out and away again. The track was also inside the complex and around courtyards, but there were other cats in the area who probably chased him out. Additional traps were going to be set around the area on the complex. 

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