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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

"Michael", DSH, Grey Tabby with White, Orinda

We came out to do the search on Saturday, July 13.

Michael was last seen July 3 as his people went out of town for a few days. There were other people still at the house caring for Michael.

The track we found led out of the area of the house and down the main road. The track crossed a major street and then continued up another road and into winding hills. The road dead ended and then the track led back up the road. 

From there the track went back down the road and into a parking lot of an elementary school. Then the track went out of the parking lot and turned right onto another main road. 

The track went down that main road all the way to a large shopping center. From there the track went all around the shopping center. The search was stopped at 4 hours by Michael's people. 

It appears that Michael jumped into a type of delivery track on the day of July 5 and then remained in the truck all the way to the shopping center where he jumped out, probably when the driver was taking a break and stopped for a time. 

Michael's people said they would post flyers up all around the shopping center and continue to look for him. All shelters have been checked and the microchip company has been informed. 

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