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Friday, May 29, 2009

"Peeky", DSH, Grey/White Tabby, Los Altos

"Peeky" is a petite grey and white tabby who jumped into the van of a neighbor across the street from where she lives. Unaware, the van's owner drove to a elementary school about one and a half miles away from where Peeky lives. When the van got to its destination and opened its door, Peeky jumped out, ran toward the school playground and then turned back toward the van, ran past it and jumped the fence into a yard of a house that borders the school grounds. That was the last time Peeky was seen.

When I came with Dino, we started in the yard of the house that Peeky jumped into. Per Dino's reaction, it was clear Peeky had been in the yard and may have been around it, maybe trying to find a way out. The trail did seem to lead out of the left gate to the street. We walked up and down the street, down to the end of the dead end and then up and down the two courts off this short street. We also made numerous contacts with residents in the area, and we checked many yards. However, we didn't come up with anybody who had seen Peeky. After this thorough search, I was confident Peeky had not been down this street.

We continued the search across the street from the school, which had heavy traffic. We checked out all the short streets, but we came up with not scent on any of those streets. We checked up the main street to the top of the next intersection, and we found no scent.

At this point we were all perplexed. If Peeky didn't come out onto the street, then where did she go? Her person suggested checking the school yard. I said "OK" since we didn't seem to have other options. Once we got into the yard, Dino immediately picked up Peeky's scent going around the right side of the yard, around the playground and all around the far perimeter. What this means is that Peeky backtracked over the fence back into the school yard.

We did find a gate leading out of the school grounds that led out to a neighborhood and a small set of medical buildings. We made a mental note to check on the other side of that gate to see if Peeky's scent was found.

We checked the rest of the school yard and continued to find Peeky's scent. It led around the buildings and past an opening in one of the school buildings, which was big enough for a petite Peeky to fit into. I suggested that her people ask the maintenance people if a trap could be set there, and/or a feeding station to see if Peeky is still in the area.

We drove around to the back to the back gate, and we did find Peeky's scent leading away and around and in and out of the medical buildings.

My primary suggestion to catch Peeky was to set up the kitty buffet feeding station near the opening of the school building to keep and contain Peeky into this one location. Then once Peeky is coming regularly then set up a trap nearby and then move the food closer to the trap and then move it into the trap.

(Entered into lost pet questionnaire 2/15/10)

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