Machine Gun, aka MiMi, is a six year old, indoor/outdoor, spayed tortiseshell DSH. She is wearing a collar with ID tags and microchipped. She has been at this home for a couple months. Her person is a relative of her current caretaker. There are other animals in the home from other cats and a dog that visits. She has free access to come and go from the home.
She had been missing for several days when I was called.
There was a sighting of Machine Gun by her people that evening around 10 PM as she crossed a street next to her home. Her person said that she saw Machine Gun being chased by another cat, and she said she saw Machine Gun run into the area near the backyard, so initially she wasn't concerned until she did not see the cat the next morning.
She said she also remembers that the visiting dog of a roommate was seen chasing some type of animal down the inside stairs and out to the yard, thought she said she did not know it was Machine Gun.
We started at that point and found a track leading away from the house, down the street, through some neighborhoods, down a set a stairs, through a large empty farmer's market, down the street and through a set or projects. At this point we got a call from a neighbor that Machine Gun was spotted the night before running from her yard into the yard of another neighbor.
We walked back to the house and talked to the neighbor. It appeared to be Machine Gun since the neighbor said she was familiar with the cat as the cat regularly goes into their yard. This neighbor is directly adjacent to Machine Gun's people sharing a side yard fence.
The yard that Machine Gun was seen running into is heavily overgrown with ivy, brush and junk. The yard is very dark and covered with some type of plastic. Perfect hiding place for a cat! The chain link fence from the neighbor's yard who saw Machine Gun and this neighbor's yard is torn away sideways. The wooden fence that leads from this overgrown yard to the street has holes that is probably how Machine Gun gets from her yard out to the street. We fixed those holes from the street to prevent her from getting in and out to the street. We were unable to get into that yard because the home owner was not home. Plus the yard is so thick and unaccesible to a human that it would be very difficult to get us and the dogs into.
Machine Gun's person decided to set a trap for her in the neighbor's yard that called. Her person was concerned that MG might be hesitant about coming home because of the dog chasing her and the rest of the busy household. She said she was not able to set these things in her yard because of the other animals.
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