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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"Bennie", Bengal, Mill Valley

Bennie is a three and a half year old neutered male Bengal DSH. He is wearing a red reflective collar and microchipped. He is always inside at night, but this particular night did not return home in time to meet his people who went out to dinner and he did not return later that night when they got home. Because their home is deep inside a long canyon and coyotes and bobcats are known to frequent the area, his people initially thought that he came in contact with one of them.

We found a track that led down the street for quite a ways and through many houses, down more streets and more streets and then through downtown Mill Valley. We followed the track many miles more over creeks, down more streets, parks, more creeks and parks and water districts almost all the way to Highway 101. By the time Bennie's person called off the search, we had been into the search for about six hours. He said that he would continue the search and put flyers up in that area.

As always in all searches, I offer to continue the search at the next earliest convenient time at the same place where we left off.

(entered into lost pet questionnaire 4/8/11)

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